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What is Canada's present Immigration Policy?

I am planning to immigrate to Canada with my family, so need latest and updated Canada's Immigration Policy.

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Over the previous half-century, Canada has earned a reputation for accepting immigrants and appreciating multiculturalism. Canada has one of the largest rates of foreign-born persons among industrialised Western countries, at around one-fifth of the population. Immigrants have aided the country's economic growth and helped it combat ageing demographics. As the United States, under President Donald Trump's leadership, has curtailed several immigration programmes, including those for refugees, asylum seekers, and temporary workers, Canada has become an even more appealing destination for immigrants in recent years. Pandemic-related travel restrictions, along with President Joe Biden's efforts to alter US immigration policy and raise the yearly refugee limit, may lower the number of persons trying to relocate to Canada.

0 Reply April 30, 2022

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