Background checks are performed by processing applications from which your education and experience credentials originate; this operation confirms your claims and document validity.
Security checks are carried out by Canadian intelligence and security agencies, with or without the cooperation of appropriate authorities in the countries where you lived/stayed, and they are carried out completely independently of IRCC - IRCC only receives the results, which will be positive or negative, with no explanation (as it is classified).
Criminal check examines your police certificates and checks with relevant nations to discover whether you have a criminal record that might prevent you from entering Canada.
Background checks are performed by processing applications from which your education and experience credentials originate; this operation confirms your claims and document validity. Security checks are carried out by Canadian intelligence and security agencies, with or without the cooperation of appropriate authorities in the countries where you lived/stayed, and they are carried out completely independently of IRCC - IRCC only receives the results, which will be positive or negative, with no explanation (as it is classified). Criminal check examines your police certificates and checks with relevant nations to discover whether you have a criminal record that might prevent you from entering Canada.
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