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Canada's population has increased by more than a million as a result of immigration

For the first time ever, the government of Canada reported that its population increased by over a million people in 2017.

Moreover, it represented Canada's greatest 2.7% annual population growth rate since 1957.

According to Statistics Canada, the government's initiatives to attract immigrants to the nation to address a labour shortfall contributed to the surge. To support an ageing population, the nation also depends on immigration.

The increased number of immigrants, both long and short term, may also cause some issues in some regions related to housing, infrastructure and transportation. This may also include the issues of service delivery to the people as per Statistics Canada.

According to the news release, international migration was responsible for about 96% of the population rise.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, after taking office in 2015, has been working with immigration to increase the immigrant population. The administration announced a proposal to accept 500,000 immigrants annually by 2025 last year.

Canadian government also welcomes the refugees from wars including the refugees from Ukraine, Afghanistan, and the earthquakes affected people from Turkey and Syria in 2023.

It stated on Wednesday that a program that provides to temporarily resettle Ukrainians and their families would be extended through July.

Of the approximately one million applications that have been received, more than 600,000 have been approved so far, and more than 130,000 people have entered Canada as a result of the campaign.

According to Prof. Randall Hansen of the University of Toronto, the discussion around immigration is generally more positive in "settler" nations than in Western Europe, and particularly in Canada.

Prof. Hansen, a Canada research chair in global migration, said: "Canadians would want to have the world believe they're more open, liberal, and accepting, but this is all rubbish."

Its favourable attitude toward immigration was also a result of strict border control, the opportunity to choose the "best and brightest" immigrants from throughout the world. This also includes the absence of many spatial restrictions in and around large cities, he added.

The post-World War Two baby boom and the influx of refugees during the Hungarian Revolution contributed to Canada's previous largest population growth in 1957.

According to a news release from the government, the country received 437,000 new immigrants in 2022, while the number of non-permanent residents rose by 607,782.

This also results in the processing of immigration applications for a record-breaking year by the immigration department. 

According to Statistics Canada, Canada's population growth makes it the fastest-growing G7 nation.

According to the government, Canada's population would double in 26 years if it kept a 2.7% annual growth rate.