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Changes to Australia's Immigration System

According to what Home Affairs Minister Claire O'Neil said, there will be a big change to the Australian immigration system in the coming months.

This announcement is based on a long study that shows how there are more jobs than people to fill them and how there are no policies for lower-paid workers.

It also says that Australia needs to do more to draw skilled migrants in a world where other countries are making it harder and harder for them to get skilled workers from the same pool.

Here are the most important things to learn from the announcements:

Increase the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT).

The TSMIT will go up from AUD53,900 to AUD70,000 on July 1, 2023. Since 90% of full-time jobs in Australia now pay more than the limit that has been in place since 2013, the new limit of AUD70,000 takes inflation over the last 10 years into account and stops the Australian skilled migration system from being undermined.

Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS): A Way to Get Permanent Residency Visa Holders

It was also said that by the end of 2023, people with TSS short-term work stream visas will be able to use the current permanent migration program to move to Australia permanently.

This is good news for migrants because it makes it clear that they can stay in Australia. It also helps businesses who are having trouble finding enough workers.

Changes to the program for skilled immigrants

A new skilled pathway will be made with streams to address core skills shortages based on proper evidence-based assessment.

These streams will include skilled migrants who earn more than the increased TSMIT level and those who work in important industries. This means that the points-based transfer system will have to be changed.

Simplifying the Visa System: The Government has said that it will simplify the visa system by reducing the amount of visa categories. This will make it easier to get the skills needed for the Australian migration system and help the jobs and skills market.

This will speed up the process and help get the right result for refugees and for Australia.