Is Teaching English Online a Good Career Option
There is hardly a day for me which passes by without coming across the questions like ‘Is teaching English online a good career option?’ or ‘What are the reasons to start teaching English online?’ as well as ‘How to teach English online?’ and fairly enough, it is important to answer all the questions properly (afterall, it is a matter of one’s career). So first of all, let’s address the first question: is teaching english online a good career option or not?
Undoubtedly, advancement in technology has brought to us several different options, no matter what role we play in life: be it a consumer, producer, service availer or service provider, technology has increased by leaps and bounds in every field, making us so capable that the amount of progress which has taken place in the last two decades is much more than last two millenniums (and mind it! that’s a lot).
It is also no more a hidden fact that this progress is made even in the field of education which has been modernised to a great extent at present. The use of audio-visual technology, artificial intelligence, and modern equipment in educational institutes is a common sight now.
But there is one thing which neither has been ruled out nor is likely to disappear in the times to come and that is the importance of a teacher in imparting education. But, the actual question arising here is ‘Are all teachers equally important?’
Unfortunately, the answer is No.
While the availability of online learning applications had already replaced physical classrooms, the number of teachers required for teaching in such classes is also shrinking dramatically. And why wouldn’t it reduce, when unlike the classes which can only accommodate a limited number of students at a point of time, online classes can be provided to ‘n’ number of students as per their convenience without any sort of boundation or restriction, right?
But even then, this reduction in the number of teachers required doesn’t really mean that the teachers would lose their jobs. It just means that there is going to be a long wait before things get back to normal, after which as a potential teacher you would just have to compete with hundreds (if not thousands!) of teachers – as they would have lost their jobs too – and then you might also be required to work at a pay scale lower than that of online teachers. But all this isn’t really daunting, or is it?
Whatever the case is, we know that learning never stops, so there is no chance that the students would stop requiring the need of a teacher for acquiring education but we also know that this generation of millennials is tech-savvy, both ready and eager to get a chance for using technical gadgets and in this case receiving education online is no less than icing on the cake for them.
And you know what else? Think of the people whose business has reached greater heights during this pandemic. Of course, we also know that these businesses are those which are dealing in online sale-purchase or service-providing. At this point of time, their only concern is establishing themselves or strengthening themselves in such a way that competitors cause no harm but only encourage better work.
In this case, what would an organization require in order to establish itself? I know you know that the answer is ‘a good employee’. So, all these online teaching websites and applications are in dire need of sufficiently skilled, experienced and hardworking employees who can take the business of their employers to the next level.
In this regard, before we actually move further, I have some questions for you: ‘Would you not like to grab an opportunity like this? Would you just stick to the old conventional earning methods always living in a state of fear wondering what would happen if another pandemic strikes and leads to your redundancy?
Certainly, no one from us wants that to happen but the fact is that there is no assurity if we would ever get back to the ‘normal’ normal or will have to adapt ourselves to the ‘new’ normal which we confront today.
So, one of the several reasons to start teaching online is to have a job security at times when some people on the other hand are left with no other option than toiling in the sun for just a penny or two! (A lot of money can also be earned in this sector)
Anyways if still there pops up a question ‘Is teaching english online a good career option’ then you must think of it as a side-income first, as most of the sites and applications allow you to work as per your own convenience paying some amount of money, varying per site, for each class that is conducted.
And as you know, once you get yourself comfortable to the system and finally consider it to be one of your career choices, you can also switch to online teaching as a full-time job where you will get something extra for every single extra attempt that you make in the field. In other words, what you earn (both in terms of money and respect) is likely to increase with the additional devotion of time and effort.
So, in simple terms, the answer for ‘Is teaching english online a good career option?’ is ‘Definitely yes’
With this question answered, let’s move on to the next one: ‘What are the reasons to start teaching online?’
- It’s in accordance with the modern edtech system
- It’s affordable and convenient method of providing lessons
- It gives an international exposure, thus, enhancing personal experience
- It makes you your own boss, increasing productivity at work
- It’s the futuristic education system, which will only develop more in the times to come.
You will be in accordance with the modern edtech system:
Most of the online classes providing applications and other services, irrespective of the time they started their businesses in, are on the rise today and are even likely to attain more success in the times to come. Afterall, they are modern educators who work hand-in-hand with technology and use it for the advantage of all.
Even when the pandemic ends now, the students will prefer to study from the comfort of their homes and hence knowing and being affiliated to such a technology will be no less than a boon for you.
Plus, don’t you wanna know the way this ‘internet learning’ works, so? why wait for a nice time when the best time is passing by?
It’s an affordable and convenient method of providing lessons:
Yes, you read it right – ‘AFFORDABLE’ and ‘CONVENIENT’. Affordable as not many equipment are required for this, as the most important devices usually are a personal desktop, or laptop, embedded with an audio-visual interaction support system.
The truth is that most of you must already have these devices, and even if not, the amount of investment required for this isn’t going to be too high.
Apart from this, providing education on the internet is also quite convenient as it can be done at your own convenience and without much hassle of travelling from one place to another, simply not requiring to be worried about getting stuck in the traffic, or again without checking the weather forecast to reach work on time. Undoubtedly, you will be free from such trivial worries once you start teaching online.
It gives an international exposure, thus, enhancing personal experience
Most of the students you might come across while teaching at a local institute would certainly be of the local tradition. There are rare chances for teachers to have an international exposure, even if they have worked for around two or three decades.
While there is no denying the fact that teaching also involves learning, and every teacher acquires a new knowledge or skill everyday while imparting knowledge to others, there are times when one might watch other professionals talking about meeting new people, and wonder if one would ever get that chance in life.
If you (like me) are thrilled at the thought of meeting new people, and getting an international exposure, then DO NOT, at any case, miss the opportunity of teaching children of different ethnicities from different cultural backgrounds and nations.
It makes you your own boss, increasing productivity at work
We all know how despriting it is to work under supervisors who are good at nothing but just finding faults in the work done by us.
It’s the futuristic education system, which will only develop more in the times to come.