Sponsor Your Spouse or Partner to Canada
Sponsor Your Spouse: Canada’s immigration policymakers have long upheld the goal of helping family members to reunite with their close ones. Because this is why Canadian citizens and permanent residents have the right to sponsor their spouse for immigration through spousal sponsorship.
The Spousal Sponsorship focuses on reuniting family members within Canada. This family sponsorship mechanism can provide a pathway for your spouse to become a PR. Provided that all parties fill out the appropriate immigration applications and meet the requirements.
The Canadian government seeks to keep families together. Family sponsorship can also help your parents, grandparents and other close family members become PR. The sponsor and the sponsored person must be approved by the government department responsible for the Family Sponsorship program, which is IRCC.
Processing times vary depending on various factors. The spousal sponsorship program is the most demanded stream. The spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner looking to immigrate to Canada must be sponsored by a Canadian citizen.
Qualifying for Spousal Sponsorship:
The IRCC requires that the sponsored person be either a spouse or a common-law partner etc. A spouse is someone to whom you are legally married, and a common-law partner is someone to whom you are not legally married but have lived together continuously for at least one year. A conjugal partner is someone with whom you have a relationship.
Dependent Child:
The two categories of what a dependent child is. Firstly, the child is under 22 years old and has no spouse or common-law partner. Secondly, the child is over 22 years old, has depended on their parents for support since before the age of 22, and is unable to financially support themselves because of a mental or physical condition.
Qualification Requirements:
With family or spousal sponsorship, the IRCC requires that all sponsors be at least 18 years old, either a Canadian citizen, permanent resident living in Canada, or person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act, able to provide for the basic needs of any person you want to sponsor for some time.
Basic needs are defined as food, clothing, shelter, and other needs for everyday living, dental care, eye care, and other health needs that are not covered by Canada’s public health services. You have to promise to take financial responsibility for the persons you sponsor.
You have to provide for their basic needs through an agreement known as an undertaking. The length of the undertaking starts on the day the person you sponsor becomes a citizen. For common-law partners or conjugal partners, this period is three years, and for dependent children under the age of 22, this period is ten years.
You can become a sponsor if you are a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act. You should be at least 18 years old. You should be living in Canada if you're a Canadian citizen living outside Canada.
You must show that you plan to live in Canada when your sponsored relative becomes a citizen of Canada. You can’t sponsor someone if you’re a permanent resident but live outside Canada.
Minimum income requirements:
In most cases, there is no low-income cut-off for a spouse or partner
sponsorships. If either a spouse or partner you’re sponsoring has a dependent child who has dependent children of their own, or a dependent child you are sponsoring has a dependent child of their own. You must meet a minimum LICO score. If you meet LICO requirements, you must include a Financial Evaluation IMM 1283 form.
You may not be able to sponsor if you signed an undertaking for a previous spouse or partner. And if it hasn’t been three years since they became a permanent resident. Have you received social assistance for a reason other than a disability?
You have previously sponsored someone and did not pay back any social assistance that they received while the undertaking was in place. If you default on an immigration loan or a performance bond, did not pay court-ordered alimony or child support, or have declared bankruptcy which has not been discharged.
You were convicted of an offence of a sexual nature, a violent crime, an offence against a relative that caused bodily harm or threatened or attempted to commit any of the above crimes, how long ago it happened and if you received a pardon, were previously sponsored as a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and became a permanent resident of Canada less than five years ago. If you are under a removal order, are in a penitentiary, jail, or prison, have already applied to sponsor your current spouse and haven’t received a decision.
As we know, Spousal Sponsorship focuses on reuniting family members within Canada, which is a good thing. We can easily immigrate and live with loved ones. Spousal sponsorship has maked everybody's life so much easier.
Check out our Web Story at https://celpip.biz/web-stories/sponsor-your-spouse-or-partner-to-canada-3/
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