Summarize Written Text

Summarize Written Text

PTE Writing Summary Task 1 Sample Summarize Written Text with Sample Answer 42

Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage.


The role of a disability policy, whether individual or group, protects a certain amount of the employees' salary. The insured may collect a portion of their salary once they become ill or injured, as long as their elimination period has been sufficed. Once the individual is able to return the work full time the benefits will end completely in all likelihood.

It should be noted that injuries or sickness arising out of the job are protected by Workers Compensation. The stereotypical model for a person labeled as disabled is someone in a wheelchair. However sickness can be just as debilitating as injuries from an auto accident.

Group Disability Insurance is often the only way for employees to qualify or pay for disability insurance. The medical history of some employees may cause them to be turned down for an individual policy. Yet depending on the size of the company for Group Disability Insurance, simplified or little underwriting may occur. While others may be stretched to the limit with other debt or bills to pay for another policy.

A disability policy protects a certain amount of employees salary once they become ill or injured as long as their elimination period has been sufficed, whereas injuries or sickness arising out of the job are protected by Workers Compensation. 


PTE Academic

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