Writing Task 1:Writing an Email

Writing Task 1:Writing an Email

Write an email as You are working in a manufacturing unit. Your co-workers harassed you number of times during the work hours.

Write an email to the human resources manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

- Who harassed you and their relationship to you

- When each instance occurred – date, time, and location

- What tangible evidence do you have of the situation?.

Dear Human Resource Manager,

I am writing to report a series of incidents of workplace harassment I have encountered. Some of my coworkers have harassed me as an employee of XYZ Pvt Ltd working in the manufacturing unit.

The coworkers who have been harassing me are Sam and Nick, who work in the same department as me. During work hours, they have made inappropriate comments and gestures towards me, making me feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

I have attempted to disregard the behavior, but it has persisted to the point where I can no longer tolerate it. I've also spoken with a handful of coworkers who have witnessed the behavior and can attest to the incidents.

I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. I believe that this behavior is unacceptable and violates the company's anti-harassment policies. I am willing to provide any additional evidence or information to support my complaint and aid in your investigation.

I hope that prompt action will be taken to address this issue and prevent any further harassment. I would also appreciate it if you could keep me updated on any relevant developments.

Thank you for your consideration of this issue.



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